Our Worship


We are committed to the Bible as the Word of God, containing all things necessary to salvation.  Our services are permeated with readings from the Scriptures, songs based on Scriptural texts or themes, and actions and prayers that have their grounding in the Scriptures.  We also place great emphasis on the relevance of the Bible for our lives as Christians and thus we give careful attention to its faithful preaching and teaching.


We highly value the sacraments of the Church, most especially Baptism and Holy Communion.  We celebrate Holy Communion regularly and it is the high point of our service.


You will notice that our services are full of prayer.  Sometimes these prayers are offered to God silently, at other times they are spoken corporately (the congregation praying in unison), and sometimes the clergy prays alone on behalf of the congregation. 


Music is an important part of our worship services.  At St. Andrews we seek to draw on the best of the Church's musical heritage, while at the same time seeking to make use of more recent songs. 

We desire for our music to be reverent, God-centered (rather than focused on ourselves), liturgically appropriate (that is, fitting in both with where we are in the liturgical year but also appropriately placed within the service itself), and theologically orthodox in content.


We believe that the historic Book of Common Prayer (1662/1928) sets forth a good and godly pattern both for our worship and for our formation as Christians.  


Whether we are hearing God’s Word read & preached upon, receiving the Sacrament, praying, or lifting our voices in song it is our desire that our focus would be upon God the Father Almighty whom we worship through the Son and in the power of the Holy Ghost.  We believe that our worship of God (what the prayer book describes as "a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving") is fundamentally for Him (as opposed to being for us).